Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Blonde, Blue-Eyed Rosa Parks

It was Abbey's 3rd grade American Hero Presentation and her hero was Rosa Parks.  We knew a lot about Rosa Parks after some online research and writing a report all about her life.  What we didn't know was how to dress up like Rosa Parks...with all that blonde hair!  Thank goodness for the Halloween witch wig!

It was some presentation!  There were 29 different heros represented by 3 classes of 3rd graders all on stage in costume.  They sang a variety of inspiring songs and then each presented his or her hero.  Abbey did a great job!  She knew her lines and looked completely comfortable up there in front of a packed room!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

It's a...

Cupcake!  A whole dozen of them.  Chocolate and vanilla with sprinkles on top.  The real fun is hidden inside.  Blue filling for a filling for a girl.

And it's a boy!

We are so excited.

I picked up the box of cupcakes in the morning and it sat on the counter just staring me down all day.  I almost poked a hole, went through the bottom, stuck a finger inside!  I figured I was going to be giving birth so I for sure had a right to know and not be killed by suspense of the cupcakes.

But, I made it all the way to dessert.  I even had myself convinced that either blue or pink icing would be just as amazing and taste just as yummy.  Up until Royal teased Landen that it must be a girl because the sticker on the cupcake box was pink.  And his face fell.  All the way to the floor.  And he couldn't get a word out.  And I was sort of with him.  I love these girls, but I wanted that little boy to have a brother.

I don't know who was more shocked and delighted when we took those first bites and saw a glimmer of baby blue.  We did it all at once...1...2...3...bite!  And then we had to take a bit or two more to get to the middle and then...I yelled and the kids yelled and it was utter chaos and excitement!  And then we heard Layne trying to get our attention and tell us she didn't have any blue.  So we just ate a few more bites for her until her cupcake was oozing blue and she could also be certain that a little boy was joining our family.

And now Landen can say he is having a little brother.