Friday, June 22, 2012

Waiting for Baby

This pregnancy has been moving along.  Maybe not flying by, but for sure moving at a steady pace.  There's so much to keep us busy and so many things to plan, and I know before I even take a breath, this little baby will have moved right in on us!

And so, I wanted to capture this time.  This, that I feel pretty sure, is the last pregnancy.  This crazy excitement in my kids.  This anticipation, for things that we know and remember, and things that will be all new.  And so I made the crazy decision to have photos done.  Crazy, because who really wants to be photographed with an extra 30 pounds on them, a few of those on my face alone! limited wardrobe options, and a rather tired, cranky disposition at 7 months pregnant?!  A few dear friends raised eyebrows and gently questioned what I was thinking...but I was determined to get it done...and have it be a success!

I called my friend Sara and knew I was in good hands.  I love how she captured this big belly and our excitement for this little guy's arrival.

And I love how she grabbed each of my kid's personalities in these photos.

I'm so thrilled to have these moments captured, for these kids above, and for this little one set to arrive in a couple of months.  I'm also thrilled that we are already booked up for family photos after the red ninja baby arrives.  I can't wait to capture those moments...smiling kids holding their new baby brother.