Friday, May 4, 2012


my 3 proud finishers

As part of the Ironman festivities, a kid's race was held the night before the big race.  Abbey and Landen were ready and excited to race...a 1 mile race ending at the finish chute, under the Ironman official banners and crossing the official Ironman finish line .  When we arrived at town square and registered the 2 big kids, we learned that Layne could do a 400 yard dash!  Woohoo!  This little girl was thrilled to do what the big kids were doing!  We suited all 3 up in their race T's and headed for the start.

Royal ran with Layne while I waited with the big kids to start their race.  He did ask if I wanted to run with her, then looked at my big prego belly and retracted the question!  I guess it's a compliment that he forgets that I'm 6 months pregnant.  I'll take it.
 The big kid race began with a bang!  So many little runners!
Abbey and Landen come to the end of the mile...Abbey ran with Landen
 most of the way (per mom's request) then pulled ahead at the finish!

into the finish chute
the whole ironfamily

These 3 kiddos earned their medals.  Ironkids.  Royal earned his medal exactly one year ago.  Ironman. And me.  I think I need a medal for being an ironmama and an ironwife.  Maybe I won't be competing from sun-up to sun-down tomorrow, but I do make a good race poster and I have got the cheering bit down.  And maybe someday, I'll compete just to prove I can do it.  Nope.  No way.  Jose.  

Big race tomorrow!  Dragging my Ironkids, our 6 posters and a few supply bags of our own to watch our men kill themselves, from sun-up to sun-down.  Go Ironmen!!