Monday, May 24, 2010


batman shirt.  bubble sword.  airplane in hand.  carpenter jeans.  all boy.

he picks out his own clothes to wear each day.  favorites:  batman shirt, big-wheel shirt, pants that zip off to become shorts, lightening mcqueen shirt, fourth of july shirt, vacation bible school shirt, lightening mcqueen and mater underwear-he has 6 pair, and when he is out, he is not happy.  he has made attempts at putting the old pair back on after the bath.  i like to think i have caught him every time...

he brings a toy everywhere.  you can't get him out the door, no matter what kind of hurry you are in, before he selects a toy or 2 or 3 to bring along. today, it was the airplane and bubble sword.

he is stubborn in the funniest ways.  he holds his ground for a pretty long time.  but, eventually, you can find something that peaks his interest, and drive a hard bargain.  today, there was bribery involved in getting this picture.  chocolate chips.  we are a little low in candy at our house.  chocolate chips work just as well, in a pinch.

we all love this little smiling face at our house.  he is a fun-loving, happy little dude.  who even shares his hard-earned chocolate chips, most of the time.

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