Sunday, August 21, 2011

Miss Me?

It's been a month.  I know.  I'm aware.  What I'm not aware of is if any of you even miss me?!  I get an occasional word of harassment from a family member who needs photos because he or she can't get close enough to squeeze my kids!  This is why I blog.  Because I want friends and family members far away to get to see what we are doing, how we are growing, and stay connected, especially when the squeezes just don't come frequent enough.  And I blog because I want my kids to see what we have done and how they have grown and know where they came from.  They love it now.  They giggle at pictures of themselves and read the stories that I tell about them.  They will love it even more later on.  When they are older and they have forgotten some things.  And when I have forgotten even more things and we won't be able to put the whole story back together.  I'm excited to be able to look back and see the highlights and have them see.  And remember.  Then we can put stories back together.

It takes a lot these days to build a family.  To keep everyone busy and happy and fed and clothed.  I want to remember what we did that made us happy and close and content.  And I want my little kiddies to see that too.  Not just the big stuff, but the little stuff, the simple stuff.  The little building blocks to this family.  So we plan some stuff.  And I take photos and I try to capture those things we did and said.  And some stuff goes unplanned, and I try to capture it in the moment so I won't forget.  And then, I sit down to this laptop and document and preserve.  And sometimes it's a real treat.  And then you get behind, and it's a real pain in the behind to get caught up.  And I procrastinate the inevitable 8 million hours of uploading photos and writing stories.  Which is a tiny bit of what I'm doing right now.

So, the backblogging begins.  I love it in order, more of a scrapbooking approach.  So look below for new material!  And I'll look below for some comments to show that you might indeed miss me.  (hint hint :)